
CAD - Rhino

Some Professional CAD (Rhino Work) You all can easily achieve.

eVolo 2010 Skyscraper Competition

Early Registration Deadline: November 17, 2009
eVolo 2010 Skyscraper Competition
In the last few years we have seen hundreds of new skyscrapers developed around the world without careful consideration to the context or environment. There is a constant lack of urban planning and poor architectural design without intellectual or perceptual enjoyment. The aim of the competition is to push our imagination to redefine the term skyscraper through the use of new materials, technology, aesthetics, programs, and spatial organizations. Globalization, environmental warming, flexibility, adaptability, and the digital revolution are just some of the multi-layered elements that should be taken in consideration. There are no restrictions in regards to site, program or size. The objective is to provide maximum freedom to propose the most innovative projects for this fascinating architectural genre. Ultimately, the designs should help the environment, restructure our cities and improve our way of life.
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DNA +: Water and Wind

Deadline: October 30, 2009
DNA +: Water and Wind
DNA+ is looking for new and innovative functional designs. Each submitter is to invent new ways of relating to life in the bath environment. Entries are invited for the following categories: Furniture, Accessory, Lighting. Products have to be designed for all, in other words have an easy access, be environmentally safe, compliant for a use in a wet environment for a residential use as well as for a commercial use. Material limitation; wood, Corian, aluminum, stainless steel, glass, acrylic glass. Technology limitation: die making, tubing, extrusion, thermoforming, CNC machining are preferred.
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Deadline: September 15, 2009
Potomac Valley Brick presents Brick-stainable: Re-Thinking Brick a design competition seeking integrative solutions for a building using clay masonry units (brick) as a primary material. Current Green and Living building initiatives acknowledge the importance of integrated design solutions to achieve sustainability goals. This competition seeks to explore the potential of brick construction in the creation of an energy efficient building and challenges design teams to maximize the physical characteristics of this construction in the creation of integrated design solutions.
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Eco T-Shirt Design Challenge

Deadline: September 1, 2009
Eco T-Shirt Design Challenge
Plante Green has teamed up with Hessnatur, the sustainable clothing brand with a reputation for clean, sleek design and a commitment to low-impact and organic fabrics, dyes and manufacturing to spread the sustainable message to the world that one organic T-shirt can make a difference. So we’re turning to you for help. We want you, yes you, to design a print for Hessnatur’s basic organic cotton tee that makes an eco-statement, visually, textually or both. So go ahead and wear your green proudly on your sleeve. 

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Render Demo Competition

Deadline: August 31, 2009
Render Demo Competition #1
Render Demo is proud to introduce our first ever design competition called "Time in the Future - Timepiece." In today's world, time is a rare luxury. There just isn't enough time in the day to do everything you set out to accomplish. We wanted to showcase a products that could keep you on track and possibly give you some extra time at the end of your day. Design a timepiece of some sort, either wrist-based, wearable or conceptual, then define a problem and solve it with your design. The further out there you are with your design, the better!
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